Indic Film Utsav , the flagship event from Indica Pictures ( has made significant strides in the two years since its launch emerging as a premier and global OTT Film Festival that is focused on Indic and family oriented content.
In the run up to this years Festival, we are pleased to announce the following pro-bono positions for those that would like to join the executive team.
-Must LOVE watching indie films
-Film Festival experience preferred but not required
-Training will be provided for those with no prior experience
-Time commitment between 8-10 hours per week starting August to October 2022
Festival Technologists
-Must enjoy working with websites and OTT platforms
-Willingness to jump-in and resolve technical problems
-Training will be provided for those with no prior experience
-Time Commitment between 8-10 hours per week starting September to November 2022
Filmmaker Liaison
-Must enjoy interacting and working with filmmakers
-Must be good with email communication and messaging
-Training will be provided for those with no prior experience
-Time Commitment between 8-10 hours per week starting September to November 2022
All positions are pro-bono positions. Rewards include recognition on Festival website and being part of a passionate team!
Email in case you would like join us!